It is amazing what people will do for money. My husband
and I love to expose people for the money hungry
hypocrites they are. My husband is a professional
football player here in Nashville where we live. He is
a black man and stands at over 6'4" tall. He is hung
like a horse at 11" and very thick. I became his
girlfriend in college and we love each other very much.
While in college, we discovered the racist behavior of
so many here in the south about our interracial
I am a blonde haired-blue eyed southern girl. We dealt
with many remarks and taunts throughout college and
this continues today. My boyfriend now is a multi-
millionaire and makes 3 million a year. He and I love
sex but I am not jealous of the fact that he has had
many sexual conquests since we got together. In fact,
we both get off on his ability to get white married
women into bed and then ruin their nice tight pussies
for their husbands. My husband has caused more than one
We have gotten away from having him seduce the lonely
neglected housewife though and now we really get off on
trying to seduce the seemingly untouchable white wife
that appears very proper and chaste. With my husband's
income, it has become our curiosity to see how little
some women will sale themselves out for. We have had
women accept as little as $500 dollars and as much as
$2000 to be my husband's "date" for the evening. This
has become our favorite hobby. I want to share our
latest experience here with your readers.
Ray and Lisa Smith are a couple that my husband and I
met through his work with local charities. While doing
a team sponsored fundraiser during the off-season, my
husband and I met this couple who worked hard in the
charity. Ray was a 5'10" white male that was very thin
and in his mid thirty's. Lisa was also in her thirty's
and is a gorgeous red head that is around 5'5" tall and
very attractive. They appeared to be a very classy
couple. However, they both appeared bothered when my
husband introduced me as his wife. They were cordial
but we had learned to spot that racist attitude. They
could not hide their true feelings. My husband gave me
a look and we decided to make this couple our new
I went out of my way to talk and get to know Lisa. We
spoke for hours that day. I found out that they had
been married for 10 years and that they were unable to
have kids because of Ray. I also found out that they
made a very modest salary. I was amazed that she shared
so much in a short time with someone like me, knowing
that she had so much such disgust for my chosen mate.
My husband and I finally told the Smiths that we would
like to take them out for dinner to show our thanks for
their hard work. The declined at first but my husband
told them that he insisted and that we would be going
to a very expensive restaurant. When they heard the
name of the restaurant they said that they would go.
This was their first "sale-out."
We showed the Smiths a big time that night. Before
going to the restaurant, we went out to the local mall
to shop. We told them that the restaurant had a dress
code and we all needed to be dressed up to go. Ray and
my husband went to a men's store while Lisa and I went
into a women's boutique. There I got Lisa to try on
some evening gowns. After we decided on one for her and
one for me, we realized that we also needed to my some
underwear and shoes that would go with the gowns. Lisa
ended up in a silky blue gown with black trim over a
black strapless bra and panty set. She wore thigh high
stockings and black pumps. We met back up with our
husbands who were now in suits.
The couple had already lost some of their "attitude"
and were enjoying the gifts. They seemed uncomfortable,
but eventually I could tell that this couple was
impressed by the fame of my husband. He was approached
for autographs both at the mall and later at the
restaurant. By the end of the night, we had spent about
$2,000. Later that evening I asked Lisa if she was
interested in going shopping with me the next day. She
looked at her husband or nodded and she quickly agreed
to go. I realized that these guys were hooked.
The next day I took Lisa and we spent the day getting
pampered. We had our hair done. We had our nails done.
I even talked Lisa into a make-over. She confessed that
she had never had this kind of treatment. During our
conversation that day, she asked how it felt to be rich
and to have a famous husband. I told her that the money
was great and that I enjoyed the attention my husband
got. She asked if I ever got jealous when women came on
to my husband. I told her how my husband and many of
his teammates and enjoyed having sex with various
I confessed to her that I was not jealous but realized
that my husband needed it. I told her how he was very
well endowed and that his sexual appetite exceeded my
own. It was then that I told her about the parties that
my husband went to. I told her how several times a year
he and several of his teammates and friends would have
a party where they would pay several of the sexy women
they met to come and be hostesses. They would dance and
The men would usually end up in bed with one or more of
the women that night, but the women were not required
to have sex. Lisa asked how much the hostesses were
paid. She could not believe that they got paid $5000 to
come and dance with a bunch of football players for one
night. She said that that was more that she and her
husband made in two months. I told her that I could
arrange for her to work a party but that married women
were not usually hostesses. She quickly blew it off but
I could tell she was tempted by the money.
Later, when I took Lisa home, I helped her carry in
some of the things I had bought her that day. Ray was
home. I told Lisa to tell about the opportunity to make
some easy money. She hesitated but Ray asked for her to
tell him. She proceeded to tell him about being a party
hostess and the $5000 payday. I told him that I wasn't
trying to cause a problem but I was just trying to help
their situation. I could tell Ray and Lisa were
thinking about it. Ray jokingly said that for $5000 he
would wear a dress and dance with a man, but the
thought of Lisa being at a party as a professional
escort without him being their to protect her was
scary. I saw an "open door" and decided to go for it.
I told Ray that I thought I could arrange it for him to
be an escort as well if He was okay with losing his
mustache and wearing a dress. I told him how these men
were all very big and they loved getting taller women
to come to these parties. He quickly stated that he was
only kidding Lisa laughed and quickly pointed out that
$10,000 was a lot of money. She said that that much
money would pay off their car. I then asserted that it
was just dancing and that he could be there to protect
Lisa that way.
I told them that there was a party that Saturday night.
Ray was nervous that he would not pass as a female. I
told him that he could pass if he would let me help. I
then told him that if he didn't think he looked good
enough to go to the party, he could back out then with
nothing lost but his mustache. Lisa chimed in that that
sounded fair so Ray agreed to try. I was just trying to
get Ray's wife stuffed with black cock. But to have Ray
there in drag to witness it was just icing on the cake.
That Saturday I picked them up around noon and took
them to my spa. I told my beautician, Kathy, that both
of them needed the works. She giggled when I confirmed
that Ray was to be transformed. I told her to spare no
expense and to buy any clothes that she needed. She
said she would do her best. After putting them in
separated rooms and having them remove their clothes,
she had wrapped a towel around them. She then measured
them both and sent a runner out to buy a list full of
items. I then watched as Ray was shaved and both were
face and body waxed (bikini style), manicured with 1
inch nails, pedicured and completely made-over with
foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and
heavy lipstick. They both seamed very nervous which
just made it more fun for me. The two could not see
each other and had no mirrors to see themselves.
Soon the runner returned with the items purchased. A
fake set of breasts were then glued onto Ray. He stated
that this was more than he expected. He asked if he
could just stuff a bra or something. I told him that
that would not look as real. He was then asked to put
on a gaffe. This was skin colored and was thong style.
It held Ray's penis firmly between his legs.
They both were then dressed in all-in-one-bra and
corsets, stockings attached to garters, evening gowns
that were knee length. Ray's was long sleeved and had a
full collar around his neck to hide his Adam's apple.
Kathy then put a blonde wig on Ray's head. It was long
and curly and Lisa's red hair was fixed in a similar
style. Lastly, they each were strapped into a pair of
dressy shoes with 5 inch heels. They looked stunning.
Even Ray looked like a complete whore.
They were then brought into the same room and were
amazed at how they had been transformed. They could not
deny that Ray was passable. Ray was concerned with how
sexy Lisa looked and confirmed she would not have to
have sex or be touched in any way. I confirmed this for
him and we left for the party as it was already 4
o'clock and the party started at 5 PM. They were each
given purses that for their personal belongings and
touch-up makeup. I paid Kathy $1400 and knew it was
well worth it.
The party was great. It was in a local hotels ballroom.
There were about 15 men there and about 25 hostesses. I
was working the front door as usual. Watching Lisa and
Ray be so uncomfortable was priceless. I had not told
them that every man there would be black, except for
Ray of course. Ray was very protective of Lisa. He
stayed near her like that was going to help. Soon both
had been approached for dances.
All the music was slow and the lights were very low.
The two of them were being pawed at and getting grinded
by their partners throughout each dance. After one
dance Ray was ready to go. He was ready to forfeit the
money and take his wife home. Lisa was ready also.
I told them that they had already seen the worse they
could see. They were dressed. They had danced. I told
them after a few more hours it would be over. They
agreed. They danced with over 10 different men apiece.
After about 5 dances, Ray had given up on watching Lisa
so closely. He was busy defending himself from getting
groped and between dances he told me that his feet were
killing him in the high heels.
It was getting close to 10 o'clock and the party was
winding down. I found Lisa and could tell that the
dirty dancing had turned her on even though she would
never have admitted it. She was now more comfortable in
the men's arms and was moving in rhythm with the
grinding she was receiving on the dance floor. Ray had
relaxed some too. He was resolved to get it over with
and he letting the large black men play with his ass as
they danced.
On the last dance each man had picked their favorite
hostess for the dance. It was during this dance that
each would be propositioned to go to a room for the
night. Lisa and Ray were completely unaware of this. On
cue, my husband had made his way to Lisa and our friend
Willie, a 6'5" 280 pound black man with a huge 12"
cock, had asked Ray for the last dance.
They slowly danced toward each other. Lisa was enjoying
my husband's affection. He asked Lisa if she knew that
the all the men would be taking a hostess up to a room
for the night. She confessed that I had told her about
the ritual but added that she was not interested in
going to anyone's room. Willie then asked her is she
realized the bonus that would be included for being an
escort for the night. She said that she was not aware
of the bonus. He told her that the bonus $50,000. He
then told her that he would love to help her and her
husband out by offering the bonus to her and his friend
Willie would do the same for Ray. Ray and Lisa were now
side by side on the dance floor. Lisa stopped and
appeared shocked. She turned and whispered the
situation into Ray's ear.
Both appeared offended and Ray informed my husband that
his wife was not a hooker and neither was he. They
started to walk away when my husband clarified his
intentions. He told them that he wanted sex that
evening but that he also wanted to help them out
financially. He said that he and Willie were sharing a
double room upstairs. He told them that they would each
pay 50,000 and would only require that they receive
oral sex during the night and that we could leave at 5
The offer was enough to make them look at each other
and talk over the possibilities. Lisa stated that she
had never given anyone oral sex but that $100,000 would
pay off their house. Ray was nearly crying but agreed
that the money was unbelievable. He stated that he
didn't think he could suck another man. He also
suggested that Lisa would think less of him if he went
beyond simply dressing as a female but went into
another man's bed and sucked a dick. She paused and
then said that she would completely ignore it this one
time simply in an effort to better themselves
Ray looked at my husband with anger in his eyes and
confirmed that he would not hurt his wife and that it
would be a blow job only and sleep with him until 5 AM.
My husband stated that I would be in bed with them as
well and would make sure that Lisa's services involved
oral only. He added that for $50,000 he might require
more that one blowjob during the night. Ray looked so
conflicted. My pussy tingled as he held his wife and
once more asked if she was sure. She held him back and
said that they could not pass up the money.
Soon we were all on the elevator heading for the suite.
Once there my husband and Willie quickly stripped and
got into the beds. Each throwing out their underwear
after they go under the covers. They did not want to
scare Lisa and Ray off before they even got started.
We three "girls" unzipped each other and we stepped out
of our dresses. I told Lisa and Ray that the men
preferred we leave the corset, stocking and heels on.
There was only a plenty of light from the bathroom when
the room lights were turned off and Lisa and I got into
bed on either side of my husband and Ray got into bed
with Willie. I reached across my husband and grabbed
Lisa's hand. I whispered that I wanted to introduce her
to my husband as I guided her hand to his cock.
She gasped when she felt his size in his semi-erect
state. Ray must have been discovering Willie at the
same time as he let out an "Oh my God" under his
breath. He asked Lisa in the dark if she was okay. She
said that she was okay. After Lisa and I had stroked my
husband to his full 11", I pulled the covers down
around our knees as I met Lisa above my husbands cock.
I asked her a question that I already knew the answer
to but wanted her to admit.
I asked if my husband's cock was the biggest she had
ever seen. She slowly nodded yes. I told her to go slow
and begin by licking the cock to get it good and wet. I
helped her by holding the cock still as she cautiously
licked it. I looked over at the other bed and saw
Willie's hand on the back of Ray's blonde wig as he was
taking the head of the cock into his mouth. I smiled
and got Lisa's attention for her to look as well.
She glanced over and saw her husband in full drag
sucking a cock. She looked back at me and said that she
couldn't believe that they were doing this for money.
She then resumed licking the huge black cock. Soon the
room was filled with slurping noises as the couple
intensified their efforts of getting their men to cum.
They were working the cocks deep into their throats and
gagging. They would each then polish the head with
their spit and work their tongues over the head of the
huge members. They both became frustrated with how long
the men lasted. After nearly 45 minutes of work.
Willie finally began to reach orgasm. My husband was
not far behind. Each grabbed their "mate" by the ears
and began to work their heads up and down with force.
They began to call their "girls" names as they
commanded them to suck their black cocks. Soon both
were grunting and holding their slut firmly in place as
they began to ejaculate into their throats. Both
"girls" fought to get off the cocks but to no avail.
Cum was soon running out of their mouths and they
swallowed most of it in an effort to keep from
As they were finishing, I got up and turned the lights
on so they could see each other covered in cum. The
light scared them like the darkness had covered their
sin and now they were exposed. It was great. Each got
out of bed and went to the bathroom. They hugged and
consoled each other. I lay next to my husband with
pride as he and Willie relaxed in the afterglow of
their conquests and their orgasm.
I could hear Ray and Lisa gargling and spitting. They
were talking about leaving but realized that the worse
was behind them. They knew that they would be fools to
forfeit the money now. They soon returned to their
beds. The men both stated that they were ready for
round two. Ray stated some objection for them both but
knew they had agreed to be used the entire night. Soon
the two of them were slurping on the semi hard cocks
again, trying to get them hard again. It the hard oral
work was beginning to wear on Lisa and Ray both.
Soon I told them that they might be able to get the men
off with a titty fuck. They had no idea what I was
talking about so I explained the concept to them. The
two of them, with lips raw and jaws sore, rolled onto
their backs and let the men get on top. I helped each
pull down their corset tops. First I helped Ray. Rays
fake DD's with huge nipples sprang free. I knew he
would feel nothing getting Willie off this way, but it
would be demeaning for him to have to stare at that
black cock fucking his tits. Lisa was next.
She was much more apprehensive as she was now revealing
her breasts to these strange black men for the first
time. She was very well endowed with huge D cup tits.
My husband and Willie quickly began playing with the
tits as they began to saw their cocks in the cleavage.
I instructed the two "girls" on how to push their
breasts together to give more enjoyment to the men and
to speed up the process. Each did as instructed. Ray
was staring down at the huge member as it slid up close
to his lips with each thrust.
Lisa, on the other hand had her eyes closed. She was
getting very turned on by the manipulation my husband
was giving her nipples. Soon she moaned and I knew she
was getting hot. I reached down and started
manipulating her clit. She opened her eyes for a moment
and then resumed moaning. She was wet in not time. I
leaned into her ear and asked if she wanted my husband
to fuck her. She hesitated and then nodded yes. I
continued to work her nipples as my husband slid down
and got between her legs and began rubbing his cock on
her clit. She could not stand it.
She moaned again. This moan got Ray's attention. He
looked over and saw my husband put Lisa's stocking
covered legs on his shoulders as he began to press into
Lisa. She cried out in pain as my husband impaled her
with half of his length. My husband expertly held
himself in her as she grew accustomed to him. He slowly
grinded himself deeper and deeper into Lisa's womb,
manipulating her clit. After a few minutes of this,
Lisa began to relax and fuck back. Her husband was
trapped under Willie but began saying the words "no,
stop." I told him that Lisa wanted to be fucked.
He called Lisa's name but she did not respond. She was
busy screaming out my husband's name and begging him to
fuck her with his black cock. Ray was crying the entire
time but I walked over to him and released his cock
form the gaffe while he was watching his wife and my
husband locked together. I slowly began stroking his
tiny cock. Soon my husband was cumming deep in Lisa's
cunt. She was ruined for her husband for sure.
She had climaxed three times in all. They were now
kissing deeply as he finished twitched and finished his
ejaculation. Willie began to finally cum on Rays face
and tits. I had stroked him to an orgasm as well
knowing that this would make him associate cumming with
watching his wife getting fucked by a black man. Willie
began to finally cum on Rays face and tits. Ray quickly
ran over to his wife afterward and asked why she had
let him fuck her.
She began to cry and said she was caught up in the
moment and could not resist. She said she was sorry and
Ray hugged her and said he should have never let get
this far. However, now that they had gone this far, and
it being 2 AM, they might as well see it through.
We told them that we would give an additional $25,000
if they did everything asked of them. Of course by this
time they had decided that they nothing else to lose
so…they of course accepted. The first request was for
Ray to eat my husband's cum out of his wife. He
hesitated but Lisa opened her legs and invited him
telling him that she was very sore. He was shocked to
see how stretched out his wife had become.
It was a sexy sight to watch him, in full drag, lick
his wife out. By 5 AM, both men had conquered both
"girls" in every hole. Both "girls" were stretched out
and covered in dried cum as they put their party
dresses back on to leave. Willie asked Ray if "she"
would be at the next party. He looked at Lisa who
nodded her approval and said "we might as well. We
could use the money and we are already black men's
sluts. I don't think I could ever please my wife again
anyway." I drove them home and took great joy as they
walked up their sidewalk in their high heels, bow
legged and moving very slow. I thought to myself that
this racist couple had earned every penny and had got
what they deserved.
Now Lisa and Ray attend each party for a free and try
to get men to buy them for the night. Of course we pay
them each a $30,000 a year to be our live in maids. Ray
is on female hormones as his wife and I have requested
and has his own C cup breasts. She says he can earn
more money at the parties if he has real tits. She and
I are great friends and she is the favorite hostess we
have at our parties.
My husband, Lisa and I are looking for our next
project. We will find them and they will do it for the

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