hope this letter, apart from being a turn-on, acts as a warning. Judith and I have been married for three years now, but the incident I'm about to describe took place ten months ago. Judith had been on about trying out another man, and in the end she talked me into agreeing that she could with someone, as long as he was a total stranger, that I was allowed to watch and that he wore a condom - just as I had to. Judith told me that she wanted a black man - to find out if all those stories she had read in Fiesta were true. However, nothing came of it until about three months later when we were invited to a party that one of her girlfriends had arranged for some American Air Force friends. Now, Judith is a vivacious twenty-four year old blonde, very pretty with a superb figure. I could tell that she had plans for this party, as she said that it could be the night she got herself laid. Judith had been out shopping, but she wouldn't show me what she had bought and she had also stopped me having sex with her a couple of weeks before, so that I would be horny enough to go along with her plans. On the night of the party, Judith came down wearing the new outfit; she looked stunning. It was a very short, tight black dress, held together at the sides by gold rings. Nothing was left to the imagination, as through the large gaps along the side you could see that she wasn't wearing a stitch of underwear; Six inch stilettoes and a black choker finished the look. Judith smiled and said, "Do you think I'll get laid tonight? Sharon promised me they'll be a couple of big black men there." I replied, "Yes, any man would fancy you and yes, I do want to see a big black men fuck you." Things moved swiftly at the party, and Judith soon latched onto a big, handsome black guy called Tony. They danced - well, I say danced, but it was more like a dry fuck, with Judith rubbing her pussy up against his groin - and I saw that he had a large bulge in his trousers. I came off in my pants, watching them together, and they both laughed at me when they heard me groan and saw the wet stain spreading across the front of my trousers. We left the party and I drove Judith and Tony home. My five and a half inches were bone hard again, and all I could think about was seeing Judith's gorgeous shapely body being covered by her ebony lover's hands. I thought about him slipping his thick meat into her tight pussy, and her long legs wrapping around him as he fucked her. Once in our bedroom, Tony and Judith stripped. He towered above her frail, shapely body, and his long black cock stuck out for miles. He eased the fore- skin back to reveal a large, wet, pink knob and he told Judith to lick and suck it. I was envious of the way she opened her full, red lips and took as much of him down her throat as she could then her head did its dance of love as she sucked him. Tony then decided that it was time to fuck her, but before he did, I went down on her to make her wet and sticky for him. Judith came over my face, and Tony started to mount her, but she stopped him, pointing out that he had to wear a condom. I'm sure if it had been left to me I wouldn't have stopped him, I was that excited. However, Tony made it quite clear that he didn't wish to wear a condom, even after I explained that Judith wasn't on the pill. Tony said that he wasn't used to being refused but eventually agreed. I fetched Tony a condom and he asked if I had any extra lubricant. I offered him the KY jelly, but he pointed to Judith's baby oil, saying, "That's the best stuff." Tony got Judith to rub some all over his cock then she fitted the condom onto him and he got her to squirt some more oil over the condom. Finally, he asked me to rub some into Judith's cunt, which I did. At that time, neither Judith nor I knew what effect oil has on condoms, although Tony did. So, let this be a warning: it perished the rubber and caused the condom to split. In Tony's case, he pushed his cock home into my wife's fanny, the condom split - but we didn't notice this as he had it inside her. I began wanking as Tony eased in and out of Judith and that first time they fucked I spunked three times while watching them; it was truly a magnificent sight. Tony's black arse powered in and out of her willing pussy and she whimpered as she had orgasm after orgasm. Then he was jerking and groaning as he filled her pussy - not that we knew that at the time. Judith just clung to him, gasping "I can feel it, I can feel it!" Tony smiled and said, "Don't you wish it was going inside you and making a baby?" I heard Judith groan, "Yes, yes...I do." But Tony already knew. They lay together for a while before Tony started moving again, and they had sex once more. I couldn't get another erection - I had drained myself - so I just sat in the chair and watched. Tony took Judith through another series of exhausting orgasms before letting himself to again and she, like me, could only lay there and take it. Following that, Tony was a regular visitor, and Judith and I couldn't wait for his visited. Every time he came he used condoms and oil, and I didn't get to fuck Judith often then. I could hardly feel myself going into her anyway, she was so loose, and in the end she admitted she couldn't feel me any more and that I was useless to her. I made up for my shortcomings by going down on her and giving her pussy the best tongue bath possible. Judith loved it. Tony loved seeing me doing it, and I enjoyed it - everybody happy. Then, a few weeks later Judith announced that her period was late. She eventually took a pregnancy test and sure enough, it was positive. Judith and I both thought it must have been when I wanked my stuff over her bush during our sessions, but it was then that Tony started bragging about being the father. I thought he was joking as he had always worn a condom, but Judith looked at him in a strange way and I'm sure she wished he was right. From then on, Tony never wore a condom and I never got a look in. I had to content myself with just watching them do it. When the baby was delivered, all Judith could say was, "I'm sorry, Ian., I had no idea.. how could I have? I thought he was yours. He's beautiful isn't he Ian." When I looked down at the baby - not really hearing her words - I stumbled back in shock; the baby was coloured. I realised then that Tony's boasts about putting Judith in the club had been true - he had known all along. Now, Tony spends most of his spare time with Judith. She tells me she still loves me, but that she loves Tony more as he's the only man who can satisfy her; I love her so much that I've accepted their conditions.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
setelah boss aku balik dari sabah aku cuba curi2 masa bersama nya.......saling mengingini.......saling inggin mengecapi kesedapan....... dan aku percaya dia amat berpuas hati pada aku.......cuma firsttime aku dgnnya saja 15 minit.
satu hari aku terlalu rindukan belaian dia.......dan aku akan meninggalkan RTM tak lama lagi......utk ke JOHOR.
aku telefon dia utk ketempat biasa.......katanya " akak sibuk kerana keluarga dari kampung datang"
dia minta 2-3 hari lagi laaaaaaa
tak apa, aku call iza....anak sedaranya dan minta datang ketempat biasa......kantin rtm......dia orang tak kesah kerana anak sedaranya pernah tido kat situ.
di kantin kami tak menunggu banyak masa dan kurang bercakap......iza terus memeluk aku dan katanya" iza terlalu rindukan hid laaaaa"
kami bercium lama...selama ini kami tak pernah terlanjur.
entah kenapa kali ini aku teringat mak sedaranya , belaiannya dan enjuttannya.
aku meramas tetek iza dalam tshirt.....iza mendongak saja "ussssssssshhh" sambil mata pejam..."sssedap , lama hid tak ramas iza punya"....."hid juga rindukan iza" sambil aku selinapkan tangan aku masuk kedalam tshirt iza.....iza tepis "hantar iza balik...dulu hid tak macam ni.....kita kan dah janji hanya dalam baju aje". "hid tahu iza , tapi hid terlalu rindukan iza"."hid ni kawan ngan iza kerana cinta ke nafsu".... aku terkedu hampir tak terjawab, aku senyap.....aku diam...iza terus menggoyangkan bahu aku sambil berkata " iza tanya hid ni........iza sayangkan hid dan iza mahu kita terus berkawan utk selamanya..tanpa merosakkan dgn begini".sekali lagi aku diam.......aku lepaskan pelukkan aku yg agak longgar tadi......iza cuba menggoyangkan bahu aku lagi........." hid ... tengok mata iza ni........"kemudian kami diam agak lama......cuma aku terasa belaian tangannya mengelus rambutku......aku masih ghairah sambil masih terbayang aksi dgn mak sedaranya.... sememangnya aku terlalu gian..... aku terlalu inginkan kesedapan berulang lagi.
aku cium lembut pipinya, telinganya dan lehernya......tiada tindakbalas......"isssssss.....ussssssss" sambil dia pejam mata. iza menggeliat geli atau seronok, yg pasti aku bertambah syok. "hid.....kenapa kita jadi macam ni"..."hid terlalu sayangkan iza.......iza...hid terlalu rindukan iza" serta merta aku memeluk erat badannya.......tak aku sangka iza membalas dgn erat sekali sambil mengelus kecil......"hiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssh"..lembut, ghairah dan tangan aku dah dalam bajunya serentak tu, mulut kami masih bertaut.....lembut dan halus......saling menghisap.
aku cuba membuang tshirtnya.....putih sunggggguh dada nya , teteknya tak terlalu besar tapi cannnntik , mulus..... aku buka colinya sambil mulut kami bertaut.......pengalaman aku ngan mak sedaranya kugunakan sepenuhnya "ussssssh....isssssh" betul-betul dicuping telinga aku.
tangan kana aku dah kat pantatnya...tanpa spender......tak setemabam mak sedaranya tapi terasa kepadatannya....berair sikit..berlandir.aku memainkan biji kelentitnya...."ssssssedapnya hid....hiddddddddddd, kenaaaaaapa sedap sangat ni".
aku diam je......terus mulut aku lepaskan ke puting teteeknya....sebelah kiri.......mak sedara nya kata, tetek kiri lebeh sedap bagi perempuan "ussssssssshhhhhhhh" sambil dia menggeliat ,mengangkat punggungnya. "ssssssssseeeedddddd.........aaaaahhhhhhhhh"aku buka skirtnya.......iza bogel depan aku........percayalah body cantik drpa mak sedaranya.......anak dara 17 katakan.
aku menjilat seluruh badannya.......aku tak nak jilat pantat...busuk!!!!!!!
aku dah berbogel konoek dah tegang aku tak boleh tahan dgn bodinya yg putih, gebu.........."iza.......hid nak masukkan konek" iza hanya diam "isssssssa adusssssssssssss hid........isusssssshhh" mata kejap.aku kangkangkan paha terus memasukkan konek aku kedalam pantat......"oooooooohhh ketatnya" "adusssssszzzssssss...slow sikit hid" sambil menolak sikit badan aku.aku menjunamkan perlahan2 konek kedalam....."ussssshhhhhhhhh......." iza masih memelukku dgn erat sambil mengerutkan matanya."sssssssssssedapnya hiddddd". aku mecium tengkuknya mencium kat yg terdaya. terasa kemutan pantatnya yg sangat berbeza dgn mak sedaranya.
aku terasa konek aku sejuk......."ssssssssssssss.....uuuuuuuussssssseeeeeedddddap aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" iza memlukku erat. kakinya memaut punggungku. aku rasa konek aku betul2 masuk kedalam......terasa sungguh sejuk dan rasa lelehan keluar dari pantatnya.iza perlahan-lahan lepaskan pelukkannya dan aku masih menghayun konekku perlahan2 mengikuti alunaan punggungnya.
kembang-kuncup kemutan sungguh terasa........"hiddddd..... iza......sssssssssssayangkan hid.......jgn tinggalkan iza leeeeeeeeepasss ni......plisssszzzzzz ........ishhhhhhh... sedapnya......uuuuuuuusssssssss......". " Iza hid sayaaaaaangkan iza"............. "hid........iza tak nyesal buat gini dgn hid......tapi.....ushhhhhh...ssssssssedapnya.. ......" iza terus menggoyangkan punggungnya. aku minta iza mengayunkan punggungnya kekiri dan kekanan......"adusssssssszzzz iza... hid gembira dengaaaaaaaan iza". "ossssssssh....izaaaaaaaaa "
serentak dgn tu aku meluk erat iza...... bertaut dan aku pancut kedalam dan itu yang buat iza memelukk aku terlalu erat. kami diam seketika utk mengecapi kesedapan itu.konek aku masih kat dalam pantat iza.......aku belai iza lembut dan iza tak menangis.......setelah hampir 1/2 jam konek aku kat dalam pantat iza......terasa balik kekejangnya, aku ayun sekali lagi dan kali iza sungguh menakjubkan, mainan kami kali ini sungguh sedap dan iza cukup puas..... kami sungguh letih dan aku terbangun esok (ahad) kantin tutup).. iza minta aku sekali lagi...... kali iza yg memulakkannya dan aku mengajar macammana mak sedaranya mengajar aku.kami buat selepas tu......2 kali......iza terlalu penat.
kemudian iza memberitahu aku ayahnya akan berpindah ke serawak minggu tu jugak sebab tu seluruh keluarganya ada di kl.iza minta aku tak meninggal kan dia...aku berjanji aku tetap menantinya...... aku juga sayangkan iza sepenuh hati ku. kami berjanji utk saling menyintai......kami berhubung di serawak selama 2 tahun sehingga dia mengatakan seorang usahawan serawak akan mengawininya.........dan iza pun berkahwin.....aku frust...selama ni aku setia dgnnya. aku dah putus dgn mak sedaranya kerana dia.......dan selepas tu aku tak keruan sehinggalah aku berjumpa dgn seorang yg bernama Ina.....
jumpa lagi dgn pengalaman aku ngan Ina pula ,dia masih dara.
Apa yang kualami tidak pernah kulupakan dengan begitu saja tapi hatiku bergoncang dengan apa yang sudah terjadi sejak setahun yang lalu.Tapi hatiku tetap tidak dapat melupakan dengan apa yang berlaku setahun yang lepas.Aku amat seronok dengan apa yang telah kubuat pada gadis tersebut.
Aku memang kenal dengan raylene ini tapi saya dan dia tidak rapat sangat walaupun tinggal dalam satu rumah flat.Maksud saya rumah pangsa tapi dia tinggal tingkat 3.Setiap kali dia turun dari rumah aku akan cuba memikat hatinya tapi aku tewas dalam permainan ini.Aku cuba dan mencuba dan mencuba mungkin nasibku baik.Setiap kali aku menatap wajahnya, aku rasa sayu.Setiap kali juga aku sering melancap sehingga air mani ku melelih keluar.Selepas melancap aku akan berasa lemah akan perbuatan yang telah kulakukan, begitulah keadaanku setiap aku melihatnya.Raylene ni seorang gadis yang berbangsa dayak.Dia ini mudah juga bergaul dengan orang lain.Tetapi berlainan pula sikapnya kat aku.Aku pula tak kisah dengan apa yang membuatkanya benci kat aku.
Setiap kali juga dia turun dari rumahnya pada waktu malam untuk membeli roti yang dijual oleh apek dengan yang jual guna van.Semasa dia turun dia selalu memakai pakaian yang seksi sehingga menampakan pehanya yang putih.Malah boboyku sekejap sahaja naik apabila melihat dia berpakaian dia begitu. Pada waktu itu juga rakanku yang melepak selalu juga menggaggu dia apabila dia membeli roti.Aku amat cemburu dengan tindakan mereka itu.Namun ada juga dikalangan mereka yang mengambil kesempatan untuk memegang buritnya apabila dia berjalan balik ke rumah.Kelakuan mereka itu hanya kadang-kala sahaja terjadi. Dia hanya sempat berkata"jangan macam itulah".Aku melihat dari tingkap rumahku akan gelagat mereka.Mereka yang menggangu nya itu adalah rakanku juga.Tapi aku tak ambil kisah dengan itu.
Pada suatu petang aku dan rakanku berkumpul dihalaman rumah kebetulan juga rakan raylene turut serta join dengan kami.Kami pun undi setiap pasangan bergu main badminton.Setelah undi aku berpasangan dengan dia.Cun juga pasanganku dengan dia.Mahu tak mahu diapun menegurku.Aku menjawap dengan beberapa patah kata.Setelah penat bermain aku dan dia relax kat bangku relax melepaskan rasa penat selepas main tadi.Rakanku semua membiarkan kami berdua.Mereka semua seronok bermain badminton tanpa menghiraukan kami.
Aku pun berbual dengan dia.Setelah berbual-bual aku pun mengucapkan satu kata yang hendak ku sampaikan "Lin aku suka kat awak dan amat mencintaimu".Dia hanya tersenyum apabila mendengar kataku."lawak betul awak nilah". katanya.Lalu dia pun meminta kebenaran dariku untuk pulang.Sebelum pulang aku memesan ingin berjumpa dengannya pada pukul 8.00 malam dekat taman permainan.Dia menepati janji pada malamnya.Aku buat dating dengannya sehingga larut malam."Saya sebenar sudah lama suka kat awak tapi awak ni pendiam sebab tu saya benci kat awak ni".Aku hanya diam mendengar katanya.oooo begitu rupanya,patut awak lain macam saja jumpa saya .Jam tanganku menunujukkan 12 tengah malam.Kami pun pulang belum sempat dia balik dia menyuruhku pergi ke rumahnya tengah hari esok dengan tujuan mengulang kaji pelajaran bersama.
Kesokkan harinya aku pun pergi kat rumahnya dan mengetok pintu rumahnya.Dia membuka pintu dan mempersilakan aku masuk.Setelah itu aku duduk kat kerusi rumahnya. kebetulan juaga hari itu semua orang dirumahnya tak ada.Dia pun mengambil buku untuk diulangkaji.Kami duduk berdekatan mengulang kaji bersama.Setelah terlalu lama, mataku hilang kosentrasi dengan memandang mukanya.Dia hairan melihatku.Lalu aku teringat akan kata-kat adiknya"kakak saya ada lihat blue film yang dibuka oleh bapaku tapi cara sembunyi-sembunyi curi melihat" Batang kemaluanku tiba-tiba menegak. Raylene u ni pernah tengok film blue film ke cara curi-curi.dengan berani aku bertanya.Raylene hairan memandangku"siapa yang cakap kat awak"tanya nya.
"Adik awaklah".kataku.Dia menunduk malu.Tanpa ragu-ragu aku pun mengajaknya menonton blue film ayahnya.Dia pun mengambil blue film yang disimpan oleh ayahnya.Dalam hatiku berkata rupanya dia ni dalam senyap ada juga tonton film macam ni. Belum sampai 5 minit menonton film itu.Dia naik stim.Dia duduk disebelahku berada dalam keadaan stim.Tanpa tidak dapat menahan nafsunya tiba-tiba dia memanggil namaku way .
Aku melihat dia mencapai tahap kalimak hendak keluar.Tanpa ragu-ragu aku cuba menutup film itu.Dia pun berhenti berbuat demikian.Tapi raut wajahnya dia dalam keadaan yang stim.Aku bertanya raylene ju kita buat.Aku terus membawanya pergi kat katil ayahnya .Dia pun mendekatkan mukanya kat aku.Aku menciumnya tapi dia amat kekok sikit.Aku mengulum lidah.Dia juga kelihatn serba-sedikit malu berbuat demikian.Aku terus menciumnya bahagian badannya dan dia naik stim yang kuat amat sangat."huhhuhuhuh" dia mengeluh.......Dia mengeliat-liat apabila aku menjilat lehernya.Aku membuka bajunya satu persatu mula-mula butang bajunya kutanggalkan dan ternampaklah buah dadanya yang mengejang.Aku membuka coli yang dipakainya lalu aku terus menjilatnya dengan penuh nafsu.Inilah saat yang sangat kuidamkan selama ini.Setelah puas aku menjilat puting buah dadanya lalu dia berkata'way aku dah tak tahan ni.Skirtnya ku buka juga satu persatu-satu sehingga nampak seluar dalamnya.Aku pun membuka bajuku sehingga hanya seluar dalam ku yang nampak."cepatlah aku dah tak tahan ni"katanya. Aku pun membuka seluar dalamku maka nampaklah satu zakar yang besar menegak.Aku terus membuka seluar dalam raylene.Tanapa berlengah aku terus memasukkan pelir ku dalam farajnya.Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! sakit.....katanya.
Aku cuba memasukannya secara perlahan-lahan dan akhirnya aku berjaya menakluki lubuk yang indah itu.maka berlakulah adengan in &out...ahhhhhhhhhhhh.Aku semakin cepat melakukan adegan tersebut.Alangkah seronoknya mengamput perempuan daripada melancap.Malah ini pengalaman ku yang pertama mengamput faraj wanita.Rasanya seperti farajnya menghisap pelirku. "Lin aku dah nak keluar ni....Lalu aku pancutkan dekat perutnya berserta dengan rasa organisme faraj yang dikeluarkannya.Pelirku berasa panas sikit dengan khadiran cecair yang dikeluarkannya.Setelah itu aku menjilat biji kelentit walaupun ianya berbau air maniku. "ahhhhhhhhhh dia mengering kesedapan akibat perbuatan ku . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......huhuhuhuhuhaaahhhhhhh lagi way.....lagi way.Aku terus menjilat.Setelah itu aku pula menyuruhnya menjilat pelir tapi dia tak mahu "geli saya "malah kupaksa juga akhirnya dia menjilat pelir "ahhhhhhhh betapa sedapnya nikmat yang kurasa ini.Aku memegang kepalanya kerana terlalu sedap."Lin dah nak keluar ni....u nak telan ke.........dia cuba menarik mukanya tapi terlambat air maniku dengan cepatnya keluar dan termasuk kedalam mulutnya.Aku menyuruhnya agar dia menelan air mani tersebut.Selepas itu aku menjilat semula biji kelentitnya sekali dia mengeluarkan air kalimat....aku terus tarik diri....Aku pun guna stail merangkak dan aku amputnya dari belakang........aduhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhh.Air mani ku terpancut lagi maka pelir lembik dan aku menyuruhnya menjilatnya semula.............dia menjilat dengan penuh ghairah sekali.Batang pelir ku naik semula dengan itu aku melanjutkan adegan pada farajnya dengan bermacam-macam stail.Kami sama-sama mengeluh kesedapan.Akhirnya kami pun berhenti dengan adegan itu.Setelah puas bermatian berperang ,aku melihat pelir beberapa tompok darah.Rupa aku telah memecah virgin gadis yang masih dara.Tapi dia memberikan senyuman kepada sebagai tanda dia berasa puas denganku.Kami pun sama-sama mengenakan pakaian.Setelah siap mengenakan pakaian aku pun pulang.Sebelum pulang aku sempat memberikan kucupan mulut dengan sebagai tanda terima kasih.Kini saya berpindah tempat lain malah saya tidak akan melupakan apa yang telah berlaku.Pengalaman manis tidak akan ku lupakan tambahan pulak kami sama-sama first time in play dan kami berasa puas melakukanya.
It was just another card game with the boys when Brad said something weird. "Oh, fuck! My wife is going to kill me!" he suddenly exclaimed. "What the hell are you talking about?" asked Joe. Brad's young wife Bobbi was the most timid and woman around. Not like Paul's wife. She had just wandered through the kitchen in a see-through nighty, giving all the guys instant boners. Paul especially. Joe remembered poor Bobbi from a party when they were in high school. The party had been a particularly drunken orgy. He and Tanya Watson had burst in on Bobbi with her arms tied over her head surrounded by five drunken jocks, cocks hard and dripping in their hands. The biggest guy had his cock up against Bobbi's trembling lips when they interrupted. The jock had told them to fuck off, but Bobbi had given him this deer-in-the-headlights look. He'd ended up with a broken nose, but Bobbi came up to him a week later and had said 'thank you' in that meek way she had. She was all baggy pants and giant sweaters then, with hair that was always falling over her eyes. Joe was sort of surprised she had ended up with Brad. He went to the strip bars with the guys, was always pinching the cute waitresses on the ass. He even followed Paul's wife out of the kitchen once or twice. Once when in the local gym's sauna, Joe had taken a peek - Brad was pretty hung. But then again high school was seven years ago. Joe was still single and spent his weekends drinking with the guys from work. He ached to have someone waiting for him when he came home from work. But not Bobbi. Bobbi was so mousy. Even now she never wore anything even slightly revealing, and Joe was sure he'd never even seen Bobbi kiss Joe, much less do any of the things he wanted a woman to do to him on a regular basis. Still she always had a smile when she saw Joe. "Ah crap!" said Brad. "I promised her I'd dress up in this stupid Santa suit I've got in my truck. She insisted I get home by twelve o'clock and come in with it and the presents I bought her. She really wants a traditional Christmas." He spread out his cards on the table. "Read 'em and weep boys. Full house!" Joe groaned. That was the last of his money. "I'm on such a hot streak!" Brad said, pulling the pile of bills into his grasp. "Say Joe..." "What?" "You could really do me a favor. I'll let you have your sixty bucks back and another forty if you'd put on the suit, drive over to my place and put the presents under the tree." "No way! Bobbi will fucking call the cops on me!" protested Joe. "She goes to sleep early like a good little girl. Come on buddy. I'll make it $150. Just put the presents under the tree. I'm gonna play cards with these guys until the morning shift at five. Bobbi will never know the difference and you'll be a 150 bucks richer." "Ah, fuck. I could use the money..." "Great," Brad tossed him the keys. "Now get out of here and give me the keys when I see you in morning." Joe felt stupid as hell as he pulled up to Brad and Bobbi's house. Stupid Santa suit! He'd hit a red light, just in front of the Ellisum Library, when a red Mirada had pulled along side with this hot Asian chick driving. She looked over and caught him staring. She gave him this big toothy grin. This girl had amazing cock- sucking potential - Joe was sure. He rolled down the window and was about to ask if she'd like to try his stick shift when she started laughing at him. "You dirty old Santa!" she cried, holding her hand to her mouth. "You wanna bang me and then go home to Mrs. Santy Claw and the kid. Bye, bye!" The light changed and she was gone, speeding down the road. At least all the lights were out in the house, except for the Christmas tree in the front window. Joe couldn't take two humiliations in one night. He pulled on the beard and hat, and lugged the bag of presents over his shoulder. As he quietly trudged through the snow to the front door, he savored the feel of his cock rubbing against the soft velvet of his pants. It was a good thing Brad had told him to strip before putting on the suit. It was hot as hell. Still, he thought, shifting his cock over, best not to slip into the house with a big juicy boner. Bobbi wouldn't understand that! Too bad that Japanese hottie hadn't stayed for some roadside fun. Everything went smoothly at first. He only bashed his shin on the coffee table once. He slipped the presents under the tree and dropped a long little box into a slender stocking embroidered BOBBI. She sure was a freak for Christmas. In addition to the deluxe tree, sagging heavily with ornaments, there were garlands strung every-where, and tons of Christmas cards hung over twine. And there was mistletoe everywhere! She had even gone to the trouble of laying out cookies and a drink for Santa by the Lazyboy. Joe's eye's locked on the drink. A frosty mug of beer. He licked his lips. That sure would be sweet. This suit was cooking him! He settled into the chair and took a pull on the beer. Just what he needed! "Does Santa like his cookies and beer?" a voice purred. Joe jerked his head up like INTRUDER ALERT! Had just bellowed through foot-tall speakers inches from his ear. Luckily he hadn't removed his beard because he was frozen with surprise. In the door way was the hourglass silhouette of the friendliest reindeer he'd ever seen. She was wearing little antlers, a bell collar and a stretchy velvet tan body suit that had made her look completely naked for an instant. Then she turned and revealed a tiny tufted tail that looked very soft and inviting. She shook her long auburn hair, making the bells jingle. "I'm sorry Santa," she said, strutting over to Joe, who was still stunned in the chair. "I'm a naughty girl. I should be all asleep in bed, sucking my thumb." She slid her thumb between her glistening lips and sucked. "But I wanted to show you how much I've grown this Christmas, Santa." She placed her hands on Joe's knees and let him feast his eyes on her jumbo breasts. Her swollen nipples were clearly visible under the body stocking. Holy Shit! Joe thought to himself. Bobbi was all curves and the nicest tits he'd seen in a long long while, except for the magazine type in KNOCKERS. "Ho. Ho, ho!" Joe managed to stutter out in a deep voice. He was trapped and Bobbi would realize she'd exposed herself to one of Brad's friends. "Oh, no Santa!" she squealed. "I'm not a whore." She began to unbutton Santa's coat, revealing Joe's sweaty, toned chest. "Is it because Breasty-Bobbi cock-teases her hubby all the time?" She slipped her hand under Joe's coat and began to pull his nipples. "Why Santa! You're not wearing anything under your coat." She slipped into his lap. "Is Santa feeling hot?" Joe decided to risk talking. "Now, now Bobbi," he said, patting her large round bottom. "You be a good little girl and get off to bed and your husband will be home soon." "No!" She slipped round in his lap, straddling him and pushing her boobs into his face. "I want my Santa! I don't want my husband!" She shoved Joe back in the chair, but he pushed back, knocking her to one side. she fell across his knee. "You be good!" He gave her ass a light smack. But instead of hopping off she moaned and proffered her bottom up to him. "Mmmm... Santa's being wicked!" she said. "What?" He tried to keep his voice deep, but he was too surprised. "Spank me Santa." She was rubbing his lap, getting him extremely hot. "Please Santa! Give me a good hiding!" Joe let her have it. A good solid smack across her generous behind. Her bottom really filled out the spandex velvet. Joe simply couldn't help himself, it was too delicious of a target not to strike. She shudder and gasped and the sound of the spank echoed around the room. "You're so strong today, Santa! I love it when you spank me hard." Her hand was sliding up and down his leg. She was in danger of finding his growing prick. Joe wanted her to find his cock. He was sweaty profusely now and he could feel the horny burning add to his fire. He smacked her eager young bottom again. "And why do you enjoy getting spanked, Breasty Bobbi?" he asked, running his hand up her arched back and then down to her quivering tail. It was then he noticed the zipper tracing her spine. "It's because I'm a naughty little slut," she crooned. He spanked her again and she groaned, rubbing herself harder and harder over his lap. "Because I fantasize about other men coming to the stable and finding me tethered to the hitching post. Horny men. Men who would use me. Naughty. OH! Make me suck their big big dicks. Make me bend over and take it like a loose cunted whore. Except," her hand had finally found his dong and wrapped around him through the velvet pants. "Except I'm a very tight and horny housewife." He started spanking her slowly and then faster and faster, glorying in the feel of her firm yet supple bottom. All the while she undulated on his lap, jingling with each spank from her bell collar. She sucked on her thumb, mumbling how naughty she was while with her other hand she squeezed him, yanking him larger and larger till he could stand it no more. Abruptly he grasped the zipper he had spotted at the collar of her outfit and drew it down her back. The velvet split open like a poached peach revealing her milky white skin underneath. The zipper stopped just above her great bottom which still was flexing and releasing from its discipline. Bobbi cried out with surprise and rolled off Joe's lap. The outfit contracted further and she looked up at him, just managing to hold the now tiny material over her large breasts. She looked shocked. Her generous lips dropped open and her eyes were deer like. Joe remembered those eyes. "Santa, are you having lustful thoughts?" she asked in a husky voice. Her eyes dropped to the front of pants. "Cause the next girl will get a VERY BIG surprise when she sits on your lap!" Joe grunted and tried to push down the giant erection that was threatening to rip a hole in his ridiculous pants. He needed to take control of the situation. He needed to get a grip. He wanted to grip Bobbie by her tits and fuck the daylights out of her. "Strip," he barked. What the hell. Santa was gonna have some fun. Bobbi struggled to her feet still holding the outfit over her boobs. She locked eyes with Joe for a long lingering moment. Joe could feel the blood pulse in his brain. She was breathing heavy, her pupils were dilated. Then she smiled and slowly began to peel herself out of her reindeer skin. As she bent over to slip her long legs out of the spandex, Joe was startled at just how large her boobs were in comparison to the rest of her slender body. They were too large for her body, almost grotesque, yet he couldn't keep his eyes off them. She cradled them in her arms and looked down at him with a smile. "My hubby gave me them for my birthday," she said, arching her back letting them bounce up and down slowly. "I was big before, but I wanted to be eye candy. I wanted to be Breasty Bobbi." "I'm a little mouse to most of the world. But in private I want to be the biggest slut around. Look out Pamela! Men would see my udders and just want to milk me. Every man who really sees me knows I'm good for only one thing, pleasing him. Now men can't control their dicks when I wear my little tees. I've always wanted to have men shooting their loads all over me. Fucking my knockers. Hooters wouldn't take me because, as the jealous head waitress said-" She bent forward and whispered/blew into Joe's ear. "'You're not a waitress you're a fuck doll...'" She raised her hands above her head and began to grove in front of him. "I've always wanted to get as much cum as I could. And just now in bed," she shut her eyes and continued to twist. "I dreamt about Santa coming down the chimney to give me a stocking that was absolutely stuffed with the creamy good stuff." Joe motioned her forward. She obeyed and he slipped his hand over her pussy letting his fingers sink into her sodden thatch and down into her juicy valley. "Mmmm... bushy," he murmured. She dropped to her knees and began to frantically untie his belt. He sat back and let her pull his pants down. His cock sprung up and pushed between her pale melons with their bright red nipples. He was pleased to see her boobs didn't dwarf his dong. "Oh my!" she said pressing her tits around him. "You're not Brad. You're the real Saint Dick!" "That's right Breasty." He grinned. "You'd better run." Bobbi took a sudden intake of breath, then jumped to her feet and pranced away, jingling and jiggling as she did. Her little tail was still stuck on her bottom and for Joe it twitched like a little red flag. He jumped up and roared, kicking off the pants and stripping off the jacket. His muscular body gleamed with sweat. But with the beard and hat he still looked like a porn Saint Nick. He tore after her. She looked over her shoulder and screamed. The chase was on. At first he let her gallop in front of him. He enjoyed the sight of her hair streaming over her shoulders, the slinky action of her tits, her haunches as they pumped. His cock swung heavily up and down before him and his pecs muscles bounced as well. Each time she looked behind, she shrieked or giggled and he became more and more aroused. Finally he caught her by the arm in the hall. He swung her round and threw her up against the wall, her bottom hitting first and then her shoulders. She gasped and he splayed her arms out and began to kiss her neck. She got her legs pressed against the wall and shoved, smashing his back into the other wall, her boobs enveloped around him so they flattened out against the wall. She pulled off and ran down the hall. He was right on her tail. In fact, he reached out and yanked the reindeer tail off her bottom, eliciting a yelp and slowing her down just enough for Joe catch Bobbi and push her face first against the large window at the hall's end. "Time for Santa to ride his reindeer!" said Joe. And he pulled Bobbi's ass up to his cock, pushing her face and tits flat onto the window. Her legs were spread and her pussy was wet, eager and easy to spread. "But Santa!" Bobbi tried to push up from the glass with her arms, but only succeeded in lifting her face, further flattening her tits till they were like two giant spotlights beaming out their breasty news to the neighborhood. Joe ignored her and pushed his cock deep into her pussy. Bobbi let out a cry of pleasure and forgot her complaint. She hadn't lied. Her pussy was snug as a could be. As he started to bang her ass she began to talk, like she was confessing her sins to a priest or some other type of quasi-religious figure. "God that's right fuck me here in front of the window. This is what I've dreamed of Santa, ever since high school." He slapped her haunch urging her to move her body in motion with his steady thrusting. She obeyed. "I've wanted you ever since that party. Do you remember that one? You were with that slut Watson." She twisted her head so she could see Joe. "You might as well pull off the beard Joe. I know it's you." Joe yanked the beard from his face. Now all he had on was the Santa hat and Bobbi's stellar ass. "Oh, did you know what old Tanya Watson is famous for?" Bobbi began to wiggle her bottom as Joe slapped against her. "She's famous for her work with retarded boys! Oooohh yes! Let me tell you when you're a sixteen girl you want it just as bad as a boy does. Good little volunteer Tanya would go visit these slow boys and teach them about the birds and the bees and blow jobs and butt fucking! Oh yes! almost like that, but not nearly as big I bet! They found out cause the next volunteer got bent over as soon as she walked in the door. I bet she had a surprised look on her face, being a nun and all! Tanya's family was able to keep it out of the papers but Oh harder! everybody knew." Joe pulled Bobbi a couple of inches away from the glass so that her boobs smack against the window with the force of his cock. He loved the sound they made. Bobbi was a trooper, keeping her legs tensed, so her ass was a satisfying target. He kept on hitting bullseye after bullseye. She panted now as she talked. "You thought you saved me at that party, right? Actually I sweet-talked each of those guys into the room. I was, and am, SUCH a cock hound. I wanted to be surrounded by those cocks. As you burst in I was going to strip for them get them so fucking hot. But then you came in. I should have been pissed. You should have whipped out yours and made me extra creamy. But instead you rescued me... and I let you. You've been in my dreams fucking me all these years." She gasped and paused letting Joe slip one hand around so he could finger her clit as he slowly fucked her brains out. "Then last month Brad comes home from the gym and tells me about you eying his cock in the sauna. Which is very naughty by the way! And he tells me how big you are too. Now, Brad gets to fuck all the pussy he wants so I asked for my own Christmas present this year. You. And my husband is so sweet! He sends you in a Santa suit with a big boner. Oh, god I'm going to cum! Fucking me against the window, fingering my spot! I've wanted your cock in me, all over me, for such a long long time." She climaxed, banging her fists on the glass. Her knees began to tremble. She rose up and down, riding his cock as she came. She began to lose her balance. Joe grabbed her by the boobs and began fucking her with abandon. This seemed to intensify her orgasm, she began to scream and ram herself further down his cock shaft. With a tremulous gasp she was spent, and sank to the floor. Then, on her knees, she turned round. "Let me suck you," she said. As she went to it, licking his shaft, covering her lips in pre-cum and making it feel like his cock was in a liquid dream, he noticed the window they had fucked in looked right into the window of the next-door-neighbor. In the window was a familiar young Japanese woman being undressed by an older man. Her t-shirt and skirt was off and he was ripping off her panties. He was wisely leaving the high heeled calve boots on. They must have been watching for a while. The young woman had a confused, yet undeniably aroused look on her face. The older man's cock was throbbing hugely in her tiny hand. "There are..." he began to say. "That's Yoshi, the Cook's foreign exchange student," she said, pausing to let his glistening cock slip up and down between her tits. "Looks like Mr. Cook has finally decided to introduce some Western cum to those rosebud lips of hers. Serves her right. She was positively fingering herself watching us when Mr. Cook decided to take her in hand." And then her mouth was back on him, sucking him up and down, tugging on his balls and moaning. She wouldn't stop until she elicited an explosion. Mr. Cook across the way pushed Yoshi to her knees and began to beat off into her face, his eyes locked on Bobbi's tits and Joe's swollen cock. Joe had been right about Yoshi, she did have amazing cock suck potential. Cook arched his back and his cock began to shoot geysers into Yoshi face. It really surprised her at first spattering all over her cheek and face and tits, but then she grabbed hold and began to suck like a Sony vacuum cleaner. Cook wrapped his hands in her hair and rolled his eyes in pleasure. He looked up and gave Joe a weak thumbs up. Joe began to wave back, but then his cock pulsed and the spurts started to cum. Bobbi looked up and began to gulp like it was her favorite slushie, but this was a super-mega big gulp. She sucked and suck and gulped but still it ran out from between her lips and began to spatter on her heaving tits which knocked on Joe's knees. He grinned as she rubbed her boobs in his cum. "Merry Christmas, and to all a good night!"
My wife and I have a great relationship, both in and out of the bedroom, so a threesome never really entered my mind. Carley, my wife, and I were both virgins when we met. We both enjoyed sex, so after dating for two years and then seven years of marriage, there was little we hadn't at least tried in the bedroom. Carley is a beautiful woman. She is 5-3 and weighs in at about 110 pounds. She does not spend hours at the gym, but has a naturally slim body with beautiful C-cup breasts. Having two children has only caused her to fill out a little more in the right places. Her breasts have only the slightest bit of sag after breast-feeding our two children, and her nipples are large and dark. It is still a powerful turn on for me just to watch her and think about the luscious body she has hidden under her clothes. That is exactly what I was doing. We had gone to a nightclub on the beach that had a large deck outside. I was sitting on the deck, enjoying my drink, while I watched my wife make her way across the sand. Carley was wearing a pair of short shorts and a tight knit top that showed off a bit of cleavage. She had more on than most of the women on the beach; there were many bikinis and even a few thongs to look at, but my wife looked incredibly sexy as she strolled across the beach with her friend. The guy sitting next to me, who I later learned was named Bob, struck up a conversation by saying, "Man, I would sure like to spend some quality time with that one." I asked him which lady he was referring to and he pointed to my wife. I felt a flush of anger and then excitement when I realized he wanted to have sex with my wife. For some strange reason I decided to play along rather than tell him I was her husband. I said, "Yeah, she's got a nice set of tits." We traded lewd comments about her body and what we would like to do with her. I found I was incredibly turned on by the thought of another man screwing my wife. Bob introduced himself and I learned that he was in town looking for the right piece of property to open a new plant for his company. I sell real estate and I liked his personality so we traded business cards and made plans to get together sometime in the future to discuss business. We continued to watch the women but his eyes rarely left Carley's body. I found myself picturing Carley under him with her legs spread wide. After about an hour, she walked up to the deck and asked me if I was ready to go home. I told her that I was and she began to make her way to the stairs to join me. Bob turned white as a sheet and then blushed bright red when he realized that he had been staring at and talking about my wife. He apologized repeatedly, but I assured him that there was no harm done and that I too thought she had a sexy body. As Carley and I drove home she snuggled next to me. I asked her if she noticed the guy I was talking to on the deck. She responded by saying, "You mean the cute one that was helping you stare at me?" I told her what he had said about wanting to spend quality time with her and she laughed until she had tears in her eyes. That night in bed I asked Carley to consider what it would be like to have sex with him as I gently caressed her body and sucked her hard nipples. My wife was really turned on and admitted that she sometimes wondered what it would be like to do it with another man. I positioned myself between her open legs and teased her pussy with the head of my cock. She was hotter and wetter than she had been in some time. She raised her knees and began to guide me inside her waiting vagina while I squeezed her breasts. Just before I pushed inside her waiting cunt, I said, "This is what Bob wants to do to you." I sank balls deep in one stroke and began to pound her pussy while I told her to imagine that I was Bob. My wife began climaxing almost immediately, which was a good thing because it only took me about a minute before I was cumming inside her. We cuddled for a while and I asked her if she wanted to try sex with another man. My wife of seven years smiled sweetly and told me that it was fun to think about, but it was something that she would never do. She then turned over and went to sleep with a little smile on her face. Like most men I normally fall asleep shortly after I shoot a load of sperm into a warm pussy, but that night I lay awake considering what it would be like to see my wife in bed with another man. * Some two hours later I finally fell asleep, hard again, fantasizing about my wife fucking another man. Over the following week we talked about my fantasy several times but my wife remained adamant that she could never let another man have sex with her. I tried asking for less and was a little surprised when she agreed. I told her that I would be almost as turned on if she would just "fool around" with another man by letting him pet her and maybe let him see her bare breasts. She almost immediately agreed, saying, "As long as he doesn't go all the way." My victory was a let down when I realized that I didn't know how I could find someone who would agree to fondle my wife and then not want to fuck her. It was about then a piece of property became available that I was sure would be of interest to Bob. I dug out his business card and called his office. His secretary gave me the number of the hotel he was staying at and I called him. Bob was still a little chagrinned about his behavior but readily agreed to meet with me and discuss the property I had to offer. We met at the hotel bar and Bob was pleased with the property I had suggested. We made a date to visit the site the following day and proceeded to drink our evening meal. By nine PM we were both in his room, roaring drunk, discussing my wife. The alcohol had loosened both of our tongues and I found myself telling him about Carley's decision to let another man feel her up. We were both drunk enough that when Bob said, "Well, bring her on" I immediately called home and asked Carley to come and get me, claiming I had too much to drink. My wife is no dummy and she immediately asked if we were up to something. I still had my wits about me enough to assure her that nothing sly was going on. She told me that she would change her clothes and be down to pick me up. Bob and I drank a little more while we waited the 45 minutes it took Carley to arrive. Drunken men are not good planners, but two men with college educations managed to hide one of the two chairs that were in the room, in the closet, so that she would have to sit on the bed. I sat in the other chair and Bob sat on the bed. When Carley arrived she seemed to sense that we were up to something but was a good sport about it and sat on the bed next to Bob. My wife was wearing a silky, button up blouse and a knee length skirt. The blouse had the top two buttons undone and I could see just a hint of cleavage. The room became very quiet as she smiled sweetly while Bob and I stared at her body. I know he had been drinking, but in the clumsiest move I have ever seen, Bob put his arm around my wife's shoulders and began kissing her. Carley sat stiffly for a few seconds and looked at me with questioning eyes. When she saw me grinning she stuck her tongue out at me, relaxed, and wrapped her arms around Bob's neck. They continued to kiss as Bob let his hands roam over her silk covered breasts. I have never done hard drugs but it began to feel like I had shot a large dose of something directly into my veins. My heart was beating so hard I would have thought that they could hear it across the room. I was breathing rapidly like I had just run a race and I was so hard that it hurt. I adjusted my dick in my pants while Bob slowly undid three more buttons and opened my wife's blouse so that I could see his hand cup her bra covered breasts. Carley was wearing a sexy white lace bra that she reserves only for special occasions so I believe she had a pretty good idea of what we had in mind when I called. They made out like teenagers for several minutes, before Bob lowered my wife onto her back and began to run his hands up her long legs. Her skirt rode up and I had a clear view of her matching lace panties and thigh high stockings. Carley normally wears pantyhose but tonight she had dressed for easy access. My wife relaxed her legs and he was soon rubbing the bare skin on the inside of her thighs next to her panties. The rush I was feeling was only getting stronger so I opened my pants to give my cock more room. Carley was enjoying the experience too and was moaning as she ran her hands over Bob's back. He began to rub her mound and I could clearly see his fingers work their way beneath the white lace. My wife said something I didn't quite hear and they broke their embrace and both sat up. I wanted to see more but I was delighted our first time had gone as far as it had. Carley looked at Bob and then at me saying. "You both know this can't go all the way." We both told her that we understood her terms and I then suggested that they continue. Carley said, "Okay, but no sex" and calmly removed her blouse. She then helped Bob remove his shirt. She ran her fingers across his well-muscled chest and then stood briefly and let her skirt fall to the floor. My wife was naked except for a sheer bra and panties and her stockings. She turned her back to Bob and let him unhook her bra. She turned back to Bob, holding the cups of her bra over her breasts in mock modesty as she again reminded Bob of the "no sex" rule. I think he answered but he may have only groaned as she let the bra fall away and he saw her 34C's for the first time. They returned to making out, but this time I could see her breasts crushed against his hairy chest and I could see his fingers touching the breast that before now I had only touched. I was so hard that I had to look away for a few seconds to keep from climaxing in my shorts. When I looked back Bob had his hand inside the front of Carley's panties and judging from what I could see his finger was completely inside her pussy. Carley had her eyes closed and was bucking against his hand as he finger-fucked her while he sucked on her breast. The squishy sounds coming from between her legs told me that she was very wet. I noticed that she was rubbing his crotch, through his slacks, and trying to free his cock. Bob broke their embrace long enough to drop his pants and boxers to reveal a 6 - 7 inch long uncircumcised cock. My wife had never seen an uncut cock and immediately pushed him down on the bed and began to stroke his manhood. She seemed really fascinated with how the foreskin would pull back to expose the tip of his cock. His cock seemed slightly longer than mine and nearly as thick but the uncut head made it more pointed compared to my blunt cap. Carley continued to examine his tool and then took him into her mouth. Bob pushed her panties down and my wife kicked them off of her legs. She was now totally nude. Bob continued his digital assault on her pussy but now I could see another man's fingers penetrating my wife. They were both getting hotter by the second. Bob was moaning as my wife sucked his cock and she was bucking against his fingers. I dropped my pants around my ankles and began to stroke my tool. Carley looked over to me and with lust in her eyes asked me if I wanted to see more. I was so hot I could only nod. She let his hard cock slip from her mouth and moved up to kiss him again. When she did she gently pulled him on top of her nude body. My wife opened her legs and raised her knees, removing any doubt about what she wanted. Bob's cock was trapped between their bodies and only inches from my wife's cunt. Bob proved himself a gentleman by asking Carley, "Are you sure?" She glanced in my direction and then bit down on her lower lip. My wife nodded firmly and began to grind her pubic mound against his tool. Bob looked over his shoulder at me and I too nodded. He then raised himself off of her body giving me a clear view as his pointed tool touched my wife's most private part. He held his position as Carley began to try and raised herself onto his cock. The tip parted her soft folds and he began to push inside her. When he had entered her slippery passage just a couple of inches, he pulled back until only the tip of his cock was inside my wife. Each time he entered her, Carley would moan loudly. When she asked him, in a hoarse voice, to fuck her, Bob rammed his cock home. He began to stroke her with long hard strokes. My wife began to climax with his first hard thrust and didn't stop. I could see her pussy pulling outward as he withdrew, sucking on him, and then push in when he pounded himself back inside her body. Carley's legs would jerk obscenely wider as he plunged deep into her vagina. Her breasts were crushed against his chest but jiggled from the pounding she was receiving. I knew Bob was close to cumming because he began to fuck my wife even harder. Carley is not on any form of birth control because she hates taking the pill and I hate condoms. We compromise by making sure that I don't come in her pussy for a few days each month. That does not mean we don't have sex, I am just very careful to pull out before I cum or Carley gets me off with her mouth or hands. I realized that my wife had finished her period several days ago and we hadn't yet started our "careful" time so I knew she was nearing her fertile time. I watched as Bob began to jerk and held his cock deep inside my wife. I knew his cock was against her cervix and he was pumping his seed deep into her uterus. They lay together on the bed for several minutes before Bob let his now soft cock slip from her vagina. He must have shot a huge load into her cunt, because I could see his cum running from her now open lips. Carley lay there with her legs apart and a just fucked smile on her face. When Bob went to the bathroom to clean himself off, my wife invited me to use her freshly fucked pussy. I would like to say that I lasted a long time and gave her several orgasms but the fact is that I began cumming almost instantly when I entered her slippery cunt. We had both come and were resting when Bob returned from the bathroom. My wife invited Bob to join her again on the bed and I was treated to a nice long show as she sucked him hard and then climbed on top of him and rode him for several minutes till they both climaxed again. She was leaning forward, letting her tits swing free in his face and I could clearly see his penis entering her again and again. I guess Carley wants to do it again because I heard her mention to Bob that we should have a little party after he closes on the property. I was sober enough to drive so we left her car and rode home together in mine. Normally I am a once a night guy, but listening to her tell me about how much she enjoyed feeling another mans cock and telling me that she could still feel our cum leaking from her body, made me so horny that I carried her straight to bed and fucked her again when we got home. The property closes in two weeks and this is one closing that I am really looking forward to.
Aku pun hairan juga kerana dalam ramai-ramai boyfriendnya yang kaya, dia pilih duda tokey kain tu. Tapi aku akui bapak tiri aku tu handsome dan romantik orangnya. Dia pun sayangkan aku sebab aku je yang duduk rumah sebab masih sekolah.
Lepas SPM aku dapat Pangkat 3 je, dia suruh aku tolong mak dan dia berniaga kerana bisnes semakin besar. Okelah tu, sebab duit aku tolong berniaga pun lebih banyak daripada gaji abang kakak aku yang kerja eksekutif di opis besar.
Bapak tiri aku ni asalnya orang Thailand dan handsome dan besar tinggi orangnya sebab bapak dia Arab. Siam + Arab = SiRab. Ha - ha! Dia dah lama dapat kerakyatan sini tapi selalu balik Thai ambil barang untuk bisnes keluarga kami. Mak aku selalunya ikut tapi ada sekali tu dia suruh aku je pergi temankan sebab ada banyak hal yang terpaksa dia uruskan. Tapi hari tu banyak hal, kita orang bertolak dah lewat malam.
Hujan mula turun ketika kami melepasi Behrang dan makin lebat sampai tak nampak jalan. Bapak aku cakap lebih baik stop dulu kat hentian sebelah seterusnya sebab dia pun agak letih. Kami pun susur masuk, tempat tu entah kenapa agak gelap malam tu dan hanya ada dua lori besar yang berhenti rehat.
Bapak aku parking paling jauh dari lori tu di kawasan paling gelap. Dia kata dia nak tidur sekejap sementara tunggu hujan reda dan suruh aku rebahkan kerusi dan baring. Okelah, aku pun baring tapi tak boleh tidur sebab sejuk dan aku rasa nak terkucil. Aku mintak bapak aku temankan pergi toilet, dia ambik payung dan peluk aku supaya tak basah. Tapi basah jugak sebab hujan lebat sangat.
Bila masuk semula dalam SUV, aku dengan dia dah separuh lencun. Dia pergi kat tempat barang dan ambik beg suruh aku tukar baju. Dia bukak baju dia dan lap badan, lepas tu bukak seluar dan pakai towel je.
Aku serba salah tapi aku dah kesejukan walaupun air-cond dimatikan. Jadi aku pun ke belakang tutup badan dengan towel sambil cuba buka t-shirt yang basah. Masa nak buka bra paling susah, nak pegang towel lagi dan aku terpaksa berpaling menghadap belakang kenderaan sambil tangan aku cuba buka cangkuk bra. Masa tulah aku dengar suara bapak tiri aku betul-betul di belakang aku.
"Mari pakcik buka kan."
Aku terdiam tapi biarkan saja sebab tangan dia dah masuk ke dalam towel dan membuka cangkuk bra aku. Bila dah terbuka, tangannya masih di belakang aku dan nafasnya terasa pulak di tengkuk aku. Aku matikan diri.
Masa tulah towel aku jatuh dan posisi aku betul-betul memalukan dengan bra yang separuh tertanggal, seluar yang lencun dan bapak tiri aku separuh bogel berada rapat di belakang aku.
“Yan sejuk, kan?” dia bisik kat telinga aku dan masa tu aku rasa tangannya perlahan menolak bra aku yang separuh tertanggal.
Aku tengok je bra tu jatuh atas tempat duduk.
“Pakcik nak buat apa ni?” aku tanya balik dengan cool.
Dia tak jawab sebaliknya cium tengkuk aku, buat butterfly kisses. Tangannya merayap terus ke tetek aku dan meramasnya perlahan tanpa langsung usik puting yang memang dah menonjol kesejukan. Terer romen la dia ni, kalau boyfriend aku tahu syok dia je.
“Kereta kita ni lebih besar daripada Kancil, Yan,” bisiknya lagi.
Celaka bapak aku ni, dah sah mengendap projek aku dengan boyfriend aku minggu lepas kat garaj - tapi tu cerita lain. Okelah tu, duduk saja tunggu hujan pun boring, lagipun bapak tiri aku ni handsome dan macho. Bolehlah...
Dipendekkan cerita, selepas dia menguli dan menyonyot tetek aku diselang seli dengan french kiss kami, aku pun mengangkang luas di seat belakang kereta yang direbahkan dan bapak tiri aku menyonyot pantat aku pulak.
Tak boleh nak cakap sedapnya sampai lencunlah muka bapak tiri aku dengan air aku tu. Dia sengih je lepas aku klimaks kali ketiga dan bangun cium aku dengan mulut yang masih basah dengan air pantat aku.
Towel dia dah lama terbarai tapi tulah masanya aku nampak konek Si+Rab tu yang tebal dan panjang dan jugak di trim kemas macam dalam cerita blue. Takdelah serabut macam sabut kelapa.
Aku tarik bontot dia ke muka aku, lepas tu aku jilat, hisap dan lenjan konek dia dengan mulut dan lidah aku. Air pantat aku macam bah kat Kelantan dapat konek power, TKO konek boyfren aku.
Dipendekkan cerita lagi, dia kangkangkan aku luas dan sondol puki aku atas bawah kiri kanan. Dia punya henjut betul-betul dahsyat entah berapa kali aku jerit tapi aku tak peduli sebab aku memang suka kena hentak kuat-kuat dan takde sapa pun dengar dalam hujan lebat tu.
Aku terbang ke langit ke-40 dengan bapak tiri aku dan yang paling best masa dia tembak air mani dia dalam lubang pantant aku berkali-kali, aku menggigil kesedapan. Huh, lazatnya tak terperi! Macam ni rupanya rasa Konek Si+Rab, patutlah mak aku gilakan dia.
Kita orang teruskan perjalanan malam tu dan tak berhenti lagi walaupun pantat aku mengemut-ngemut kebasahan dan konek dia mencanak tegang nak main. Kita orang hanya berhenti selepas masuk ke Thailand dan sewa hotel dan main enjut-enjut seharian.
Bapak tiri aku telefon mak bagi tahu kami lambat sebab kereta ada masalah. Lepas tu kami teruskan urusan bisnes dan sewa hotel lagi supaya dia dapat menyodok pantat aku.
Selepas balik ke Malaysia, hidup kembali seperti biasa, bapak dan aku tak berani sangat sebab bapak tiri aku memang sayangkan mak. Lagipun bisnes kami kenalah jaga. Lagipun katanya mak aku pandai main dan kerana itulah anaknya pun pandai jugak.
Aku tak kisah sebab aku dapat dua batang. Batang boyfriend dan batang konek bapak tiri yang aku lenjan hanya bila kami ke Thailand. Mak dah jarang ikut kami. Sesekali bila mak tak ada rumah aku curi-curi enjut juga dia dia di sofa atau dia kangkangkan aku dan sondol aku di meja makan kat dapur. Sedap woo...
Pertemanan adalah suatu hal yang sangat
penting dalam hidup seseorang dimana kita bisa saling berbagi dan
saling menolong dalam kesulitan. Tapi arti pertemanan tidaklah seindah
yang sering dibicarakan orang bagi Helena, saya sebut saja demikian namanya.
Kisah nyata ini dipaparkan oleh responden yang bersangkutan dilengkapi dengan foto diri dan foto lainnya yang terjadi sebagai bukti penguat. Tapi karena etika yang harus saya pegang teguh, maka data-data pendukung tersebut tidak akan pernah saya ekspose untuk dan kepada siapapun. Menurut pengakuan Helena, kejadian berikut ini terjadi beberapa bulan yang lalu ketika liburan sekolah anaknya tiba..
Sebagai keluarga dari kalangan atas, menghabiskan waktu liburan berbintang lima di Nusa Dua Bali bukanlah masalah bagi keluarga Helena. Selama beberapa hari Helena menghabiskan waktu liburan dengan suami dan dua orang anaknya disana. Setelah beberapa hari, suami Helena mengajaknya untuk ke Lombok. Tapi dengan alasan Helena merasa bosan dengan tempat itu, juga perjalanan dengan kapal fery yang yang cukup makan waktu, maka Helena menolak ajakan suaminya itu.
Akhirnya suami dan kedua anaknya segera menuju Lombok tanpa Helena. Helena, 30 tahun, walau sudah punya anak dua orang tapi penampilan dan gayanya mirip dengan layaknya gadis kota masa kini. Wajah sangat cantik, putih, dan tubuh sintal selalu membuat lelaki manapun akan tertarik. Salah satu nilai lebih dari rumah tangga Helena adalah kebebasan yang diberikan suaminya kepada Helena untuk boleh bergaul atau jalan dengan siapa saja asal Helena selalu jujur kepada suaminya itu. Hal ini terjadi karena suaminya sangat tahu akan libido Helena yang sangat tinggi hingga suaminya agak kewalahan dalam melayani kebutuhan seksual Helena. Dan nilai lebih dari Helena adalah kejujuran kepada suaminya bila dia jalan dan main dengan pria lain.
Pagi itu di restoran hotel, ketika Helena sedang makan pagi..
"Hei..!", terdengar suara diiringi dengan tepukan tangan di pundak Helena.
"Hei, Ani.. Abiem.. Pak Randi..", sahut Helena senang ketika melihat mereka bertiga.
"Mana suamimu?", tanya Ani.
"Sedang ke Lombok dengan anak-anak", jawab Helena.
"Duduklah di sini, temani aku makan..", kata Helena.
Mereka pun segera duduk dan makan pagi bersama satu meja. Ani dan Abiem adalah teman bisnis suami Helena di Jakarta, sedangkan Randi adalah seorang dokter, duda, yang jadi dokter keluarga Helena. Randi dikenalkan kepada keluarga Helena oleh Ani dan Abiem dulunya.
"Nanti malam kita turun yuk? Kita habiskan malam bersama di diskotik", ajak Abiem kepada Helena.
"Entahlah..", kata Helena.
"Loh kenapa? Ayolah Bu Helena, kita sekali-sekali bergembira bersama", kata Randi ikut menyela sambil tersenyum menatap Helena.
"Ikutlah, Helena.. Masa cuma aku seorang ceweknya..", kata Ani.
"Baiklah kalau begitu.. Aku ikut", kata Helena sambil tersenyum.
"Kamu tinggal di kamar berapa?", tanya Abiem kepada Helena.
"Aku di suite room..", kata Helena sambil menyebutkan nomor kamarnya.
"Ha? Kalau begitu kita bersebelahan dong..", kata Ani sambil menyebutkan nomor kamar mereka.
"Yee.. Kok aku tidak tahu, ya? Kapan kalian check in?", tanya Helena.
"Semalem. Tadinya kami mau tinggal di kamar lain, tapi karena sudah penuh, akhirnya kami ditunjukkan kamar yang masih pada kosong..", kata Abiem.
"Tau nggak kalau kamar kita terhubung oleh connecting door, Ni?", kata Helena kepada Ani.
"Iya? Berarti kita bisa kumpul-kumpul nih..", kata Ani girang.
"Oke deh, Helena.. Nanti malam kita pergi bareng ke Diskotik, ya?', ujar Abiem.
"Aku bawa minuman enak dari Perancis nanti..", kata Abiem lagi.
"Baiklah. Kalian pada mau kemana?", tanya Helena.
"Kami ada keperluan dulu. Bye..", kata Ani sambil bangkit diikuti Abiem dan Andi, lalu mereka pergi.
Malamnya, dengan memakai T-shirt ketat plus rok katun sangat mini sehingga paha mulusnya tampak dengan indah, Helena berangkat dengan mereka ke diskotik.
"Kita minum dulu deh agar hangat", kata Abiem sambil menuang minuman bawaannya ke dalam gelas dan disodorkan kepada Helena.
"Okay.. Siapa takut..", kata Helena sambil meneguk minumannya.
"Hm.. Enak.. Manis.. Give me more, please.", kata Helena kepada Abiem. Abiempun segera menuang lagi minuman ke gelas Helena yang sudah kosong.
"Jangan terlalu banyak, Helena.. Nanti kamu jadi hot, loh..", kata Ani sambil tertawa. Mereka tertawa-tawa sambil menikmati minuman berakohol diiringi lagu yang diputar DJ.
"Turun, yuk..", ajak Randi kepada Helena.
"Ayo..", kata Helena sambil bangkit.
Perasaannya sudah mulai terpengaruh alkohol. Akhirnya Ani dan Abiem serta Helena dan Randi melantai mengikuti hentakan irama yang cepat. Sampai akhirnya ketika lagu berganti ke irama slow, Helena dan Randi saling berangkulan dan berdansa mengikuti alunan irama lagu.
"Mmhh..", Helena mendesah hampir tak tedengar ketika dadanya bersentuhan dengan dada Randi.
Entah karena pengaruh alkohol atau memang karena libido Helena yang tinggi, puting susu Helena mengeras dan makin mengeras ketika dadanya bersentuhan dengan badan Randi. Gairah Helena bangkit karenanya. Tapi Helena masih bisa menahan dirinya. Mereka terus menikmati waktu yang ada sambil meneguk minuman hingga wajah mereka memerah. Helena benar-benar menikmati malam itu selagi bisa bebas dari beban pekerjaan dan anak-anaknya. Sampai ketika waktu menunjukkan jam 1.00 pagi mereka segera pulang ke hotel.
"Kita ngobrol di kamar saja, yuk?", kata Abiem.
"Okay.. Nanti aku buka connecting door-nya", kata Helena sambil berlalu menuju kamarnya.
Sementara Ani, Abiem dan Randi masih duduk-duduk di lobby. Sesampai di kamar, Helena segera membuka connecting door-nya, lalu dia ketuk pintu sebelahnya. Tidak ada jawaban.
"Ah, masih pada di bawah barangkali..", pikir Helena sambil merebahkan badannya di ranjang.
Hampir setengah jam menunggu, ternyata mereka tidak datang juga. Akhirnya helena memutuskan untuk berendam air hangat dan mandi selama beberapa menit.
"Hei.. Sorry kami kelamaan..", suara Ani yang tiba-tiba masuk kamar mandi mengagetkan Helena yang baru saja memakai kimono.
"Abiem dan Randi di ruang tengah..", kata Ani lagi sambil agak sempoyongan.
"Kamar kamu enak juga ada ruang tamunya.. Kita bisa ngobrol disini..", kata Ani lagi.
"Shit!! Ngapain kumpul di kamar aku?", bisik hati Helena.
"Hei perempuan! Cepatlah kemari.. Kita habiskan sisa minuman tadi", terdengar suara Abiem memanggil. Akhirnya mereka berempat lagi-lagi meneguk bergelas alkohol yang dibawa Abiem.
"Ohh.. Gawat! Kenapa aku jadi pengen..", hati Helena berbisik ketika pengaruh alkohol mulai menjalar di tubuhnya.
Terasa oleh Helena buah dada serta puting susunya mulai mengeras lagi, sementara memeknya terasa berdenyut basah menahan gairah..
"Aku akan hirup udara segar dulu..", kata Helena sambil bangkit agak terhuyung menuju teras. Dihirupnya udara malam dalam-dalam untuk mengurangi sesuatu di dalam tubuhnya yang mulai menggoda imannya.
"Ohh..", tiba-tiba terdengar suara Abiem mendesah keras dari dalam. Helena segera melongokan kepalanya untuk melihat apa yang terjadi.
"Oh my God!", batin Helena ketika melihat apa yang terjadi. Gairah dan denyutan memeknya semakin terasa menggoda.
Di depan matanya, Helena melihat bagaimana Ani berciuman dengan suaminya di kursi sambil tangannya mengocok kontol Abiem yang sudah tegak. Celana Abiem hanya di buka dan diperosotkan sebatas pahanya saja.
"Ohh.. Cepat hisap kontol aku, bitch!", kata Abiem kepada Ani. Dengan serta merta Ani menurunkan kepalanya, lalu dengan segera kontol Abiem sudah dilahapnya sambil tetap dikocok pelan.
"Ooh..", desah Abiem ketika lidah Ani menjilati kepala kontolnya sambil batangnya tetap dikocok tangan Ani.
"Apa yang harus aku lakukan?", batin Helena ketika melihat kontol Abiem yang basah di jilat dan dihisap mulut Ani.
Gairahnya semakin memuncak. Dengan mata agak nanar terus dilihatnya Ani dan Abiem. Antara sadar dan tidak, tak terasa oleh Helena ketika Randi menempelkan tubuhnya dari belakang. Tangan Randi menyusuri kaki Helena dari betis sampai paha lalu naik ke pantat Helena yang belum sempai memakai pakaian dalam sejak selesai mandi tadi..
"Hei! Pak Randi ngapain?!", kata Helena kaget sambil menepis tangan Randi dari pantatnya.
"Kita sama-sama tahu sama-sama mau kan..", kata Randi sambil mendekati Helena.
Cerita Seks - Helena segera menghindar dan berlari menuju kamarnya melewati Ani dan Abiem yang sedang asyik melakukan oral seks. Ani dan Abiem sampai kaget dan menghentikan cumbuan mereka ketika melihat Helena melintas. Di dalam kamarnya Helena masih bingung dan teringat akan oral seks Ani dan Abeim serta perlakuan Randi kepadanya. Sebetulnya gairah Helena sudah sangat memuncak saat itu, tapi entah kenapa masih ada rasa ragu di hatinya.
"Ada apa, Helena?", tiba-tiba Ani masuk kamar dan menghampiri Helena yang masih berdiri.
"Entahlah, An.. Aku.. Aku aku tak tahu..", kata Helena sambil melepas kimono lalu segera memakai celana dalamnya.
Tapi ketika Helena akan memakai memakai Bra, tiba-tiba Ani memeluknya dari belakang hingga Helena tidak jadi memakai Bra tersebut.
"Ayolah Helena, kita nikmati malam ini..", bisik Ani ke telinga Helena.
"Mmhh..", desah Helena ketika tangan Ani mengusap seluruh badannya. Usapan dan belaian tangan Ani kembali mengobarkan gairah Helena yang sempat surut.
"Kapan lagi kita bisa bersama seperti ini?", bisik Ani lagi sambil tangannya meremas kedua buah dada Helena dari belakang.
"Ohh..", desah Helena sambil terpejam menikmati sensasi jari tangan Ani ketika memainkan dan memelintir puting susunya.
"Mmhh.. Ohh..", desah Helena makin keras ketika lidah dan bibir Ani menyusuri telinga, tengkuk dan lehernya sembari tangannya tetap meremas dan memainkan puting susu Helena.
"Nikmati saja malam ini..", bisik Ani sambil membalikan badan Helena dan merebahkannya di ranjang.
"Oww..", jerit lirih Helena ketika lidah dan bibir Ani menciumi dan menjilati buah dada serta puting susunya.
"Aniihh.. Oohhsshh..", jerit Helena makin keras ketika jari Ani masuk ke celana dalam dan menggosok memeknya.
Tubuh Helena menggeliat terbawa rasa nikmat dan terlepasnya himpitan gairah yang tertahan sebelumnya.
"Kamu menyukai ini?", bisik Ani sambil lidah dan mulutnya turun menyusuri perut sementara tangannya melepas celana dalan yang dipakai Helena.
"Ohh.. Anniihh..", jerit Helena ketika ada rasa nikmat yang menjalar ketika lidah Ani dengan liar menyusuri belahan memeknya.
"Ohh Ani.. Enakkhh", desah Helena waktu lidah Ani menjilati kelentit dan sesekali mengulumnya.
"Anniihh.. Akku.. Keluarrhh..!", jerit Helena sambil menggelinjang dan mendesakan kepala Ani ke memeknya ketika ada semburan hangat terasa di memeknya yang disertai rasa nikmat yang luar biasa.
Ani tersenyum sambil bangkit lalu memeluk dan melumat bibir Helena.
"Aku baru kali ini merasakan bercumbu dengan wanita.. Ternyata memuaskan..", bisik Helena sambil sesekali mengecup bibir Ani. Ketika Helena dan Ani saling lumat bibir, terasa oleh Helena ada tangan yang menjamah, membelai dan meremas pelan buah dadanya.
"Sayang, kamu layani si Randi..", Abiem menyuruh dan menarik tubuh Ani dari atas tubuh Helena.
"Kamu menyukai permainan istriku, Helena?", kata Abiem yang sudah telanjang bulat sambil menindih tubuh Helena serta mulai menciumi leher lalu turun ke buah dada Helena.
"Jangaann!! ", teriak Helena sambil meronta menjauhkan wajah Abiem dari buah dadanya. Tapi Abiem dengan cepat memegang kedua tangan Helena, lalu lidah dan mulutnya kembali meneruskan menjilati buah dada dan puting susu Helena.
"Ohh.. Jangaannhh.. Janghh.. Jangannhh..", rintih Helena diantara rasa malu, rasa terhina, serta rasa nikmat ketika lidah Abiem bisa memberikan rasa itu. Apalagi ketika kontol Abiem yang tegang dan tegak mengesek-gesek memeknya yang sudah basah. Bahkan ketika lidah Abiem turun ke perut, turun lagi hingga mencapai memeknya, Helena kembali menggelepar dalam kenikmatan walau hatinya menolak diperlakukan demikian.
"Jangannhh, Biem..!", jerit lirih Helena ketika Abiem mulai mengarahkan kontol ke lubang memeknya. Ani-pun yang sedang asyik disetubuhi Randi, sempat menghentikan persetubuhannya lalu bangkit dan mencoba memegang kontol Abiem agar tidak menyetubuhi Helena.
"Sudah! Kamu nikmati saja kontol si Randi sana!", kata Abiem aga keras sambil mendorong tubuh Ani.
"Sudahlah, Ani.. Sini!", kata Randi sambil menarik dan merebahkan tubuh Ani di karpet lalu kembali menyetubuhi istri temannya itu.
"Ohh..!", terdengar desah Helena ketika kontol Abiem masuk ke memeknya lalu dengan kasar dan cepat Abiem menggenjotnya.
"Jangan, Biemm.. Lepaskan aku!", jerit lirih Helena di sela rasa sakit dan nikmat ketika kontol Abiem keluar masuk memeknya.
"Fuck you, bitch!", kata Abiem sambil mengangkat satu kaki Helena dan di tahan oleh pundaknya.
"Ohh.. Memekmu nikmat, Helena..", kata Abiem sambil memompa kontolnya lebih dalam dengan posisi demikian.
"Ohh.. Mmhh..", desah Helena sambil terpejam. Rasa sakit yang ada kini berganti rasa nikmat yang luar biasa.
"Bagaimana rasanya, sayang..", terdengar suara Ani di samping Helena ketika Ani mengganti posisi dengan doggy style di atas ranjang.
"Kamu nikmati saja malam ini, Helena.. Kapan lagi kita bisa bersama seperti ini..", Randi menyela sambil mengenjot memek Ani dalam posisi menungging.
"Mmhh.. Sshh.. Ohh", Helena hanya menjawab dengan desahan pertanda sedang menikmati suatu kenikmatan ketika Abiem dengan ganas mengeluarmasukkan kontol ke memeknya.
"Ooww.. Ohh..!", terdengar suara Helena menjerit sambil memegang tangan Abiem dengan kencang. Sementara tubuhnya menggeliat serta mendesakkan memeknya ke kontol Abiem dan menggoyangnya dengan cepat.
"Serr! Serr! Serr!", kembali memek Helena mengeluarkan air mani yang menyembur hangat di dalam memeknya.
"Ohh.. Fuck you! Fuck you!", kata Abiem sambil menggenjot kontolnya makin cepat dan makin cepat.
"Crott! Croott! Crott!", air mani Abiem menyembur banyak di dalam memek Helena.
"Oohh..!!", desah Abiem sambil merebahkan tubuhnya menindih tubuh Helena.
Helena hanya bisa memejamkan mata setelahnya. Rasa lelah serta pengaruh alkohol yang masih ada membuatnya tak mempedulikan lagi keadaan disekelilingnya. Yang sempat terdengar oleh telinga Helena adalah teriakan kenikmatan yang keluar dari mulut Ani dan Randi yang sedang asyik bersetubuh di depan suami Ani sendiri. Mata Helena sedikit demi sedikit makin berat. Hanya rasa nyaman dan sisa-sisa kenikmatan di memek Helena yang membuat memeknya berdenyut-denyut hingga Helena tertidur..
Helena tertidur sampai siang hari dalam kedaan telanjang bulat. Tubuhnya tertidur hanya diselimuti oleh bed cover. Tak terdengar olehnya ketukan pintu oleh cleaning service. Sehingga ketika cleaning service membuka pintu dengan kunci cadangan yang dia bawa, dia begitu terkejut melihat tubuh molek tergolek di ranjang.
"Eh.., maaf, Bu.. Saya kira tidak ada siap-siapa di dalam", kata petugas kebersihan tersebut.
"Tidak apa-apa.. Kembali lagi saja dan bereskan kamar saya nanti agak siang..", kata Helena sambil menyelimuti tubuhnya lebih rapat.
Setelah petugas itu keluar, Helena hanya bisa merenungi apa yang terjadi semalam. Helena sendiri merasa heran, dirinya tidak mau dipaksa, diperkosa, entah apapun namanya, tapi yang jelas dirinya begitu menikmati perlakuan orang lain yang begitu kasar pada dirinya pada akhirnya..
Helena memang sangat suka berpetualang seks dari sebelum menikah sampai sekarang, tapi belum pernah merasakan sensasi kenikmatan seperti yang dirasakan semalam.. Ingin rasa hati Helena menceritakan hal ini kepada suaminya, tapi pertentangan batin terjadi dalam hatinya karena hal ini menyangkut kepada teman-teman baik suaminya. Bahkan terbersit keinginan Helena untuk kembali ingin mendapatkan sensasi kenikmatan dengan menjadi objek pemaksaan seksual..
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